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Self Defense Weapons That Everyone Should Carry

Self Defense Boutique

Everyone has the right to walk the streets safely during the day and night. Unfortunately, there are those who want to prey on those who are unwary. While we are not suggesting that everyone should be walking around with a gun on their hip, everyone should have some way to protect themselves should the situation arise. Here are self-defense weapons that everyone should have.

Pepper spray is one of the most popular self-defense weapons available. It is easy to carry and can be used at a moment's notice. When sprayed in the face, pepper spray can cause burning and watering eyes, as well as difficulty breathing. This gives you the time you need to get away from your attacker and find help.

Kubaton self defense keychains are also a popular self-defense option. They are small, easily concealable, and can be used to deliver a debilitating blow to an attacker. Kubatons can be used to strike pressure points on the body or to jab an attacker in the eyes or throat.

Another self-defense weapon that is easy to carry and conceal is a taser. Tasers work by delivering a high voltage shock that incapacitates an attacker long enough for you to get away. Tasers are legal in most states, but it is always best to check your local laws before carrying one.

Pocket knife self defense keychain is a great self-defense weapon for those who like to be prepared for anything. This keychain has a small, sharp knife that can be used to jab or slash an attacker. The pocket knife self-defense keychain is also great for everyday tasks like opening boxes and packages.

Flashlight self defense keychain is a bright idea for self-defense. Not only can you use the flashlight to temporarily blind an attacker, but the heavy-duty construction can also be used to deliver a powerful blow.

Everyone has the right to protect themselves from harm. By carrying one of these self-defense weapons, you can help ensure your safety should you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation.

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Self Defense Boutique

23811 Washington Avenue Suite C110-125, Murrieta CA, 92562

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